

Finding an exciting yet budget-friendly destination with year-round attractions can seem like an impossible task. Beaches and mountain resorts may be pretty but aren’t kind to your wallet, and finding family vacation entertainment at a low cost is almost unheard of. But there is an affordable option with abundant activities and sights to survey— a place that’s home to stunning mountain vistas and ancient geologic features, high-desert plains and lush preserves dotted with extraordinary wildlife, 惊险的水上冒险和越野旅行, comfort food on every corner and lively pubs to suit any night owl. No matter the time of year, there are endless attractions and entertainment opportunities. 你在哪里可以找到所有这些地方的耀斑和更多的探索? 只有在斯威特沃特县.


1. 斯威特沃特县博物馆

最适合:历史爱好者 & Families

Given that Sweetwater County is steeped in antiquity and stunning scenery, it’s no surprise you can find numerous local art and history museums. 探索恐龙和祖先 西怀俄明社区学院的自然历史博物馆. Explore the 石泉历史博物馆 to delve into the city’s diverse pioneer and captivating outlaw past. For a thorough examination of the county’s story through exhibits and antique photos, visit 甜水县历史博物馆. Stop by the Superior Museum to see relics from the coal mining boom and learn about their ghostly past. If you’re interests are situated more in art than natural or industrial history, stop by the 石泉社区美术中心这里收藏了500多件永久艺术品.

Step Back in Time >

2. 白山岩画

最适合:历史爱好者、摄影师 & Families

Between Rock Springs and Green River lies the 白山岩画, 300英尺高的砂岩表面布满了岁月的蚀刻. 大约200比1,000 years ago, 大盆地和平原印第安人描绘了狩猎野牛和麋鹿, as well as artistic expression like geometric shapes and handprints. 甚至更早的时候, 一个古老的水体,叫做戈suite湖, so it is a great location to search for Eocene era fossils covered this area. Take a short hike from the parking lot and around the base of the cliffs or come during fall to experience hunting like our ancestors.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

Encounter the Petroglyphs >

3. Abandoned Towns & Pioneer Trails

Best For: Families & History Buffs

Many years before the United States was connected by paved roads, people traveled by horse and wagon across the great American West, leaving a system of interconnected trails and ghost towns like South Pass 今天在斯威特沃特县仍然可见. Travelers were often headed to coal, silver or gold mines to claim their fortune. In other cases, 他们通过快马邮递公司投递邮件, 赶牛群去市场, 信奉天定命运或宗教的, 甚至是逃避法律.  不管他们的动机是什么, 他们迷人的文物和路线, 值得全家一起探索吗.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

Hike Our Pioneer Trails >

当地人最喜欢的地方:放松和吃饭的地方 & Play

1. Signature Events


如果你要去斯威特沃特县, do as the locals do, 参加众多的节日和 signature events 全年发生. Just to name a few, featured celebrations include the family-friendly Flaming Gorge Days, 参加者可以在哪里参加体育比赛, 观看现场音乐和娱乐节目, see the parade and more; Wyoming’s Big Show, 盛大的狂欢节和集市, and the number one summer event according to Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine; National High School Finals Rodeo, the largest rodeo in the world; and the Burbot Bash, an annual ice fishing competition for all ages on Lake Flaming Gorge.

See Full Events Calendar >

2. Favorite Restaurants & Taverns


想要一顿美味的大餐,但不知道该去哪里? Check out some of these recommendations from our local residents. 绿河的最爱包括 Mi Casita, 中国花园餐厅, Hitching Post, and  Arctic Circle百老汇汉堡站, Remedies Grill, Cowboy Donuts, 白山矿业公司. and 迪基烧烤店 石泉有哪些受欢迎的场所. Dance the night away, sing karaoke, 参加一场台球比赛, catch live musical performances or watch rivaling sports teams at 约翰尼·麦克的好时光酒馆 in Rock Springs, or Hitching Post in Green River. 在石泉度过了漫长的一天后,尽情享受一下吧 Escape Day Spa & Boutique or Shear Luck Salon & Spa.

Explore Dining and Nightlife >

3. Recreation Centers & Golf Courses


有些日子,你只是想放松一下. Luckily, Sweetwater County can accommodate everyone in the family— from nightlife and favorite eateries to recreation centers and spas. Enjoy a round of golf in Green River at the Rolling Green Country Club or in Rock Springs at White Mountain Golf Course. Take a swim, 参加健身班, play racquetball or climb a rock wall at one of Sweetwater’s first-rate recreation centers

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1. Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区

最适合:户外爱好者,家庭 & Wildlife Enthusiasts

Nature-lovers, hunters, fishermen and birders alike will appreciate the 26,000-acre Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区. Spot scads of birds from bald eagles to waterfowl and rosy finches to sage grouse as they rest during migration. Fish for rainbow, cutthroat, brown trout and kokanee salmon in the Green River’s Blue-Ribbon waters. Hunt or trap red fox, beavers, pronghorn antelope, 高地和候鸟, moose, 长耳大野兔等等. Reference this handy brochure 知道你的位置, 法规和重要联系人, 以及寻找历史遗迹, nearby campgrounds, 船坞和县道.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

Go There >

2. 飞行员丘的野马

最适合:摄影师、家庭 & Wildlife Enthusiasts

斯威特沃特县的一大特色是 飞行员丘的野马 are direct descendants of their Old West ancestors and a homage to our American pioneer heritage. 在一年中的任何时候都可以看到这些壮观的生物 24-mile scenic loop 围绕自己的领土或访问 石泉野马饲养设施 为了近距离观察. 在这个全景之旅中, you’ll be able to see some of the majestic sites that adorn Sweetwater’s landscape, such as Boar's Tusk, 杀手沙丘, Wilkin’s Peak,乌塔山脉和 Overland Trail

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

See Our Guide >

3. Rock Formations

最适合:摄影师 & History Buffs 

Discover the breathtaking geological features created from Sweetwater’s tumultuous volcanic and aquatic past. 历经数千代, intermountain lakes, 风雨侵蚀了土地, depositing sediments and fossil-rich soils that established exquisite rock formations throughout Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. 特征如此鲜明, Native American travelers and Western pioneers used them as location barometers, 使这些遗址成为国家历史和传说的一部分.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

Find Them All >


1. 杀手沙丘

最适合:寻求刺激的人 & History Buffs

史前侵蚀的另一个惊人后果是, 杀手沙丘 是地球上第二大移动沙丘吗, stretching for 55 miles along the Green River and Great Divide basins. Home to rare wildlife and a backdrop of dazzling mountain ranges, this off-roading paradise has become a favorite of local thrill-seekers. Kick up sand on your ATV in 11,000 acres of the open play section, hunt 秋天的沙漠麋鹿, 徒步攀登100英尺高的沙丘和附近的岩层, 或者只是野餐和看野马.

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months.

5 Things Not to Miss at the Dunes >

2. Expedition Island

最适合:寻求刺激者,户外运动者 & Families

History and modern fun come together at Expedition Island in Green River. Initially, the island was the launching point for Major John Wesley Powell’s expeditions to map American West rivers. 今天,你可以看到居民漫步在 Greenbelt Pathway 通过许多相连的公园, 乘着皮划艇和木筏顺流而下, attending festivals, 以及在绿河的蓝带水域钓鳟鱼.

Start Exploring >

3. 火烈湖峡谷乡村

最适合:家庭、户外爱好者、寻求刺激者、摄影师 & Wildlife Enthusiasts

For infinite outdoor and water-bound adventures, visit 火烈湖峡谷乡村. 有超过350英里的海岸线要考察, 你不仅会发现宁静,而且全年都有活动. 花一天时间驾车游览风景小道, 享受历史景点, 沿途可以邂逅野生动物,欣赏美丽的景色. Whether you prefer ice-fishing in winter or dangling in summer, you can fish for burbot, channel catfish, kokanee salmon, smallmouth bass, as well as rainbow, brown and lake trout. 方便的船下水允许各种船只, 从放松的浮筒船到高速尾流船. 在湖的周围,你会发现数英里的 hiking, snowshoeingoff-roading and single-track mountain biking trails, big game hunting to the east near Little Mountain, and over 700 individual campsites-都在离绿河和石泉很短的车程内. 

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! 确保你有额外的水, and a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads. Let someone know where you are headed and when you plan to return. Don't forget to check the weather and road conditions during the winter months and read our 冬季旅行的5个安全提示.

Explore Flaming Gorge Country >